Vervino - Chardonnay – Restoware

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PENGIRIMAN GRATIS Untuk Semua Pesanan Di Atas Rp 5 juta

Schott Zwiesel  |  SKU: 34109

Vervino - Chardonnay

Rp 166.000,00


238 mm

The Vervino Chardonnay glass features a unique mousse point and raised glass shape that intensifies the wine's characteristic aromas. With the effervescence point, the carbonic acid is released in fine air pearls, allowing the drink's full flavor to be unleashed on the palate. Its tapered goblet showcases the rich and golden colors of white wines. Enhance your wine experience with Vervino Chardonnay.

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    Schott Zwiesel

    Vervino - Chardonnay

    Rp 166.000,00


    238 mm

    The Vervino Chardonnay glass features a unique mousse point and raised glass shape that intensifies the wine's characteristic aromas. With the effervescence point, the carbonic acid is released in fine air pearls, allowing the drink's full flavor to be unleashed on the palate. Its tapered goblet showcases the rich and golden colors of white wines. Enhance your wine experience with Vervino Chardonnay.

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